Public Speaking & Performane Anxiety

Public Speaking

The thought of speaking in front of others—whether in an interview, giving a speech, attending a team meeting, going on a date, or any other situation—can be daunting. For some, it can be extremely frightening and trigger a range of anxiety symptoms.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Performance anxiety, or the fear of being judged or evaluated by others, is a common struggle that many people face.

With the right support, you can develop the internal confidence to overcome your fears and allow yourself to shine effortlessly!

Anxiety & Performance

Public speaking and general anxiety often go hand in hand.

By exploring this through a Cognitive Behavioral lens, we can understand how our thoughts influence our emotions, physiology, and behavior.

  • Thought: “What if I make a fool of myself?”

  • Emotion: Fear

  • Physiology: Sweating, heart racing, fidgeting

  • Behavior: Avoiding people, calling in sick, over- or under-preparing, and so on

This creates a vicious cycle—a continuous loop of anxiety fueled by worrying thoughts. The feeling of “all eyes on me” can send the nervous system into full fight-or-flight mode. This response can even be triggered by just the thought of speaking, sparking a physiological reaction.

These are all perfectly normal responses to perceived stress or threat. However, in this case, the fear of being judged can amplify anxiety symptoms and make it difficult to deliver a clear, coherent, and confident presentation.

For some, it may lead to excessive sweating, blushing, trembling—the cycle continues...

How Can Hypnotherapy Help?

Hypnosis is defined as a state of focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness that enhances a person's capacity to respond to suggestion (Elkins et al., 2015).

Hypnotherapy—the use of hypnosis as a therapeutic tool—has been shown to be effective in treating anxiety (Valentine et al., 2019) and reducing stress while increasing stress-coping abilities (Fisch et al., 2020).

By incorporating hypnosis into your treatment plan, you can then enhance your ability to deliver a confident, relaxed, and clear performance.

Self-Care Tips for Anxious Performers

  • Practice makes perfect: Work on relaxation techniques, deep breathing, pausing, and taking your time.

  • Prepare well: Practice speaking out loud instead of just in your mind.

  • Avoid stimulants: Caffeine and other stimulants can increase restlessness and anxiety.

  • Use positive self-talk: Be mindful of how you speak to yourself—challenge negative thoughts and adopt a more encouraging inner dialogue.

Useful Resources:

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