Your Online Hypnotherapist
Can online therapy be as effective as in-person therapy?
Research has shown it to have many advantages, including the most important: faster access to treatment. Furthermore, people find their home environment safe, comfortable, and familiar, as opposed to struggling with the hassle of commuting to a new location. I have observed firsthand that clients are more likely to unwind and enter a deeper, more relaxed state of hypnosis when in the comfort of their own homes and within their own personal sanctuaries.
I strongly recommend the following:
A strong Wi-Fi signal
A quiet, comfortable space
To advise family members not to disturb you
Not to drink caffeine/stimulant drinks directly before a session
A small pillow to hand
How does online hypnotherapy work?
It’s simple: once it is confirmed that we are working together, I will take down your email address and send you a Zoom link days before your selected appointment so you can join on the day. The beauty of me offering online hypnotherapy is that no matter where you are—in a different state, country, or time zone altogether—you have access to my full support at the click of a button. For now, I ONLY provide hypnotherapy sessions and consultations over online platforms- Zoom. Have no fear. If you travel or reside far away, you will get the same professional service. You may be elsewhere, but I will be here—online.
But how does it all work? online? And how can it help me?
Your online hypnotherapy session will be just like a physical session, but just online. We will have a free consultation beforehand to see if I am best suited to work with you. I will then send you documents that I will require you to complete. Once completed (as soon as possible), please send & sign it back to me, and thereafter we can look into booking our first hypnotherapy session. We then begin with a discussion about what you want to work on, which will help me develop a tailored treatment plan to help you achieve your goals.
You will need your laptop, computer, or tablet with an in-built video camera or webcam for your online hypnotherapy session. It will also help if you select a quiet and well-lit space or a place where there will be minimal disturbance from other people during your session.
When we begin with online hypnotherapy, you will go inward to explore your internal thoughts, deep within your subconscious, and identify any blocks. Using some of the most effective hypnotherapy techniques, I will help you make positive changes in your life.
You’re always in control and have the power to choose what to go along with. Even if you drift off into a daydream, your subconscious is listening and will be able to bring you back if something requires your attention. If the internet connection were to drop, for example, your subconscious would bring you out of hypnosis automatically.
I am here every step of the way alongside you. Let’s get in touch and see how best I can support you